Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is NBSOIL about?

NBSOIL (Nature-based Solutions for Soil Management) is a four-year project coordinated by the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation IUNG-PIB (PL) which aims to co-create and test a learning pathway for existing and aspiring soil advisors.

What are nature-based solutions?

Nature-based solutions (NBS) are defined by our partner the IUCN as “actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural and modified ecosystems that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively, simultaneously benefiting people and nature.”

Organic fertilizer
Cover crops
Forest diversification
Blue-Green infrastructure

How does NBSOIL potentially benefit me?

If you have a soil-related challenge, NBSOIL can support you to solve it through nature-based solutions (NBS). Land managers, researchers, soil advisors, community organisers, entrepreneurs, technology developers, local authorities and policymakers will have the chance to get involved in the co-creation of the NBSOIL Academy. We want to know about their priorities and how to best address them through NBS for soil health

If you are already working as a soil advisor or are considering becoming one, you can join our training for free and learn how to effectively apply a wide range of NBS by collaborating with other professionals.

Educators will be able to adapt materials from the NBSOIL Academy for their programmes. Soil professionals will find plenty of information on soil NBS in short, user-friendly formats. And all people curious about soil and NBS will enjoy our introductory MOOC and our communication materials!

What are the expected results and outcomes of the project?

If you have a soil-related challenge, NBSOIL can support you to solve it through nature-based solutions. Land managers, researchers, soil advisors, community organisers, entrepreneurs, technology developers, local authorities and policymakers will have the chance to get involved in the co-creation of the NBSOIL Academy. We want to know about their priorities and how to best address them through NBS for soil health.


Why is the NBSOIL project needed?

NBSOIL and the new generation of soil advisors it will deliver are needed to accelerate the uptake of soil nature-based solutions and to implement holistic soil health strategies as an underpinning solution to many societal and environmental problems.