Newsletter #1 | March 2023

What is the NBSOIL Project about

Barcelona, 15/03/2023

The NBSOIL Project, standing for Nature-based Solutions for Soil Management, is a four-year EU-funded project set out to change the soil narrative and bring soil health to the forefront through the creation of a strong network of experts and leaders. 

We will develop a two-year hybrid training course designed around existing soil knowledge, with over 300 participants expected to take part. It will include an introductory MOOC (Massive open online course) and four advanced modules: soil and Nature-based Solutions (NBS); living labs facilitation; digital tools for soil health monitoring, and improving soil-related decision-making in business and policy. And we want you to be a part of it!

Beyond this scope, the project also aims to contribute to the achievement of different
EU Soil Health mission objectives and to raise general awareness of the importance of soil. It also seeks to mainstream NBS as an exemplary practice for lowering the environmental impact of soil management.

first in-person and hybrid meeting of the project took place in Pulawy, Poland, on February 28 and March 1 of 2023, and provided information on the project’s overall objectives, crucial components, and implementation to the partner organizations that were directly involved.  The meeting was successful in bringing all partners together and was very helpful for launching the project and beginning work!
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Meet the partners involved in the NBSOIL Project:  
Get ready to become the next generation of #SoilAdvisors!
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Learning from the #NBSOIL quiz

Fertilizer is a substance used in agriculture to provide crops with vital nutrients to grow (such as Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K) and lime). Fertilizers help plants grow by adding nutrients to the soil.
On the other hand, pesticides (including herbicides) are any toxic substance used to kill insects, animals, or plants. As part of one of the NBS, in the NBSOIL Project, we will be working with organic fertilizers namely using locally available biowastes.
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#HealthySoils publications out there

FAO Report on sustainable soil management, emphasizing the role of wetlands in minimizing soil threats. 

Download here.
IUCN Infographic on Nature-based Solutions, portraying its importance and exemplifying its applications. 

Download here.

Tools for #SoilAdvsiors!

EUSO Soil Health Dashboard

The EU Soil Observatory has launched a new tool that maps the state of soil health across Europe, as well as the degradation processes behind unhealthy soils.

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EU Academy: Soil, a burst of life: the hidden world beneath our feet

The European Commission launched an open course on soil biodiversity to raise awareness of the importance of these resources and the EU initiatives to protect our soil.

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